When you read the name of a company, do you ever stop to think about why it is called that? Did you know that Verizon got its name from combining the word Veritas, which mean "truth" in Latin, with the word horizon. Makes you kind of wonder, "Okay, so why are you guys E.E. Ward". Well, I could just tell you that it has no meaning and we just wanted you to be confused, but that would not only be a lie, but kind of lazy. So, just who was E.E. Ward and why are we named after him. Well, to tell you that story, we would have to start all the way back in 1881. The world was quite a different place when the company that would become the E.E. Ward you know today first started. America only had 38 states, women could not vote, and no one was mad at Terrell Pryor.
This is what I got when I typed in 1881 on google images. You think this is how people got to work.? You think boosters used to give these to athletes "Under the Table"?
In that same year, William S. Ward, along with his father John T Ward, started a moving a company company known as The Ward Transfer Line. Their only help; a team of horses, some wagons, and two employees. From then on, the company would be a family business for over 100 years, maintaining the hard working values that John and William had tried to instill in all their business endeavors. In 1889, John's son, Edgar Earl Ward, took over the company and renamed it E.E. Ward. The Ward family 120 year controlled ended in 2001, when Brian Brooks and Otto Beatty bought the company from Eldon Ward, the distant kin of John Ward. Though the owners' last name may not be Ward, the current owners carry the same pride for this company just the same as the 5 previous generations of the Ward family did.
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